Its not yet first april, but you can still play this prank on your friends. Ask you friends to call on this number 09371272497 by saying that someone was asking for them. Say it is urgent. When they will call on this number they will be greeted by an unruly female accusing your friend of sending her smses and calling her at odd times... the best part of the call comes when the female hands over the phone to her brother and he starts talking aggressively. Your friend might get scared for a short while.

The sms that I sent everyone read
"Someone was asking about you from this number 09371272497, call asap, seems urgent."


Anonymous said...

Whoz number is this BTW? Don't want to FWD this to people for fun, when the person on the other side is embarrassed?

Anonymous said...

I don have a clue. One of my friend forwarded it to me and I was pretty bewildered. Then when i came to know the mystery nehind this number I forwarded it to my other friends for fun sake... some of them were scared for sure.